Marketing Strategy

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Welcome to Succeeding in Network Marketing

This blog is dedicated to sharing experiences that I have learned when involved in Network Marketing.

Do not forget to visit the website "Network Marketing for Us" maybe you can get more out of my learning with general information, and for particular information visit later . For questions or comments my email is:

I sincerely hope to be useful.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Network Marketing

I hope it can serve as inspiration telling the story of my learning and the process that took me to see the basics of life.

Hi I'm Jose R. Acosta and I'm finally recovering the most important thing for me, TIME. The time is not more than life itself, is the most important currency we have and we are constantly running out of it, we can obtain important things but depending on how we will use this time, slowly but surely and with discipline.

Time to spend as it should be spent, with your family, your friends, enriching the spirit, meditating and spending it mostly on inspiring others to see clearly the basics of life; and whenever we can, after a transition as short as 2 to 5 years, never, ever again, continue selling it so cheap.

Why?, because I believe that happiness is in knowing that our life is not happening in vain, that we are doing something useful, influencing positively our environment, without pretending to understand everything, without trying to make things too perfect. Helping only those who want to be helped, we can guide and show a path that could make sense of some lives, hopefully many lives, but they will have to move their feet! Otherwise it would then be one of the most miserable ways to lose that valuable time that on the contrary we seek.

Being there when a friend needs you, laughing when your kids are doing some silly jokes, to love with passion and helping others be motivated and see how valuable and unique they are, and what they can achieve, is like the commercial of the card that says: this is priceless, and then that's where the opposite become true, we do not sell our time for a miserable salary, but on the contrary we use it to buy what is better in life: the small, continuous pieces of time that define and enrich us.

I hope the same course I have taken can lead you to the finish you crave; I’ll go with passion to show you how we can all do it.

For this, I will tell you a bit of my story but before, I need to put your mind free from prejudice so ingrained in your DNA; this is important because this alienating, heavy baggage that we carry on our back does not let us go head. Actually, this is the only difficult thing you are going to be asked to do. Ever hear that a known evil is better than good to know? The most ridiculous idea I come to believe for many years. Get rid of that slaving mind.

My story comes through a process of change that occurred in my life and now I think that things so obvious need such a long time to understand and analyze. Also that we are often unable to learn from our mistakes, but we would be gifted beings if we learned from the mistakes of others; to make matters worse, no one ever taught us these valuable lessons, well, of course we are not soothsayers.

I was born in Havana Cuba and I am an only child. Since I have memory, I remember my father, electrical engineer, and my mother, who was always helping him. My father was a person of great ingenuity and very enterprising, was never employed by anyone and was always developing his own businesses; he installed cable TV with a wiring system that covered most houses in his town in 1956 (yes, cable TV for that date) and built a shop selling and repairing televisions, until unsuccessfully trying to stop the revolution shootings in the province had to emigrate to Venezuela in 1960 with my mother and me with 7 years that date.

We came to live in downtown Caracas, Venezuela, amid riots and gunfire very strong with gas pumps at the Liceo Fermin Toro Right across from where we lived. The long arm of the revolution was going to go up there, but fortunately the situation could be controlled for many years.

This was my first big warning, which of course only now I realize that what happens around me would influence my life, making predictions or not. With only 7 years of age, this was impossible to analyze.

Early in 1961 my father built a company to manufacture televisions, it was a very stable era where growing was slow, by then the production had a very large component in the profit margin. But sales were slow because there was a difference of what is happening today, with a "use and throw out" standard, quality and service were the norm of the time.

But Japan, with its cheap labor and industrial potential of the postwar period began to change established rules; they flooded the world with poor quality and cheap products. At that time, with 12 years old, I worked in my father’s company after school; we try to make radios and record players, etc. Of course, we were swimming against the tide because the world was changing too quickly. That was my second great notice.

After an adaptation of years, I graduate an electronic engineer and started to work for a company that imported and gave service to medical equipment.

A few months latter, I created my own company and received training in the United States in Resonance nuclear magnetic, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, etc. My first sale of a Gamma Camera represented to me revenues which I would have had collected only in a year and a half of my previous salary. After this great start, I achieved to sell in only six months what the competition could not get in 2 years; low prices and great service was the key. I was happy though I worked extremely hard, and as service problems began to grow, I made larger investments in equipment and parts.

The third major change for me consisted in that imports from Venezuela grew and grew and, because of trusting politicians, did not realize the balance of payments fell and fell into a large deficit, and soon there was no availability of foreign currency (US dollars) to continue importing. My inventory became obsolete and could not be sold; there was only exchange for the privileged and corrupt. My studies and tireless work didn't matter; I was like a fish surrounded by water which influenced me, and I could not see. It is ridiculous to be waiting for something to change; our mind is the one that needs to evolve. What we need is to learn to sing in the rain and not wait until it stops raining, as the song says.

I had to go beyond my personal effort and needed to see trends, get into the narrow minds of politicians, where they did not understand that we are part of a whole; I realized how we were deceived and I firmly believe that they were deceived, too, since this obsolete way of thinking had no exceptions. You cannot fight the whole ocean, you have to adapt, you can never lose sight of what is around, you have to think for one and for others, look for options, but for that you have to have freedom, and look for where they are. That's life, either we like it or not, it is the survival of the fittest, that's how the Creator made us. As Mark Twain said "do not believe that life owes you nothing, it was here before you." That's why the dinosaurs disappeared, they did not evolve; help people you can help so they will not disappear in the environment, but only if they are willing to pay the price. Why do we try to cowardly be in mediocrity for not distracting others? We were born to shine and enlighten. The future will be bright as per our reaction, otherwise it will slavery just floating with the current.

When we are young we are always thinking about what others will say at school, in our social gatherings, etc. But as we mature we do not care much, but in the end, we realize that in fact there was almost never anything said, and we have spent a life that now looks totally ridiculous, but this is what slows us down and leads to not to do. Anyway what anyone mediocre says does not matter for anything, only 1% of the population is rich, these are the experts must which must be heard and not your neighbor or Uncle Joe who will say I'm crazy.

If these trends affect everyone equally, then why some succeed and most do not? The difference is in ancient Rome "veni, vidi, vici", it means you give the first step (the hardest), analyze everything that is happening and is about to happen and ultimately win. Analysis, action and conquest.

For my second company in Venezuela, after the economy balance was leveled, we started importing goods from Taiwan, China and Hong Kong, especially microcomputers. I was astonished at the economic power of a state so small as Hong Kong because of its total freedom. This was my fourth discovery, of another trend that radically affected me and of course blind, I could not see at all.

The more economically developed countries are more open and economy freer, when politicians put limits problems come. And it is people who often require more services to their politicians, saying that the government should do this or that. But these things would necessarily be inefficient and worst of all is the waste of everybody’s money. Governments do not create anything, so we have to ask for more freedom and less services.
The Institute Economic Freedom of The World, which seeks and measures the consistency of the institutions and policies of various countries in terms of voluntary exchange and other dimensions of economic freedom, gives us a report which involved 70 major thinkers and economists around the world.
In that report for 2007 of 141 countries evaluated, Hong Kong was at number 1, the U.S. was the number 6 and Venezuela was in place 138. It is obvious that what is needed is less government involvement. If we know that those who create wealth are the rich and governments create poverty in contrast with their inefficiency, it is our individual responsibility being integral persons demanding freedom. Be looking for the government to come and solve our problems is the stupidest thing in the world and yet time passes, and life is sadly gone with the wait.
The underlying foundations of economic freedom are: personal decisions and volunteer exchanges in open markets. Adam Smith, Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek emphasize the fact that freedom of exchange and market coordination is the fuel of economic progress. Without these parameters of free enterprise in the global marketplace, modern life would be impossible.

The new and Fifth change which I noticed was that now prices were not dictated by the factories but by big business. Powerful companies began to finance customers with their own brand computers, and the profit margin was given many times by the finance charges and not the product itself. This resulted in the disappearance of small independent distributors, and credit and personal debt become fashionable.

Today we see companies with networks of megastores that have every product or service they can put their hands on. The monopolies are no longer the domain of a single product but companies that concentrate on so many products and services, where earth is what's left for the small businessman, with their low prices, underpaid staff and middle to low quality goods, narrow margin from free competition.

I began to read what great gurus of today said and I became increasingly aware of what was happening. And with the arrival of a new government with a restricting-freedom economic style in Venezuela, we decided to emigrate to the U.S. with my wife, a dentist, and my two daughters, by then with 13 and 14 years old, and my parents. By then, the world was making a lot of money in real estate.

For the real estate business, I thought the best way to sell a property was with new good looking kitchen and bathrooms, so I started to manufacture and provide service in this field. As this was a purely local service, I certainly would be shielded from imports. Nothing to do with what I did before and our university careers were left behind as the equivalence was something very complicated.

But the big surprise for me this time was that at last I was paying very closely attention to trends. I realized the bubble that was accumulating in real estate long before being seen by others such as politicians, investors, builders and banks. Holding my investments made me grateful for what I could escape, as this large problem is still having an impact worldwide.

This made me think about what I would do, what would be my new endeavor? I'd have to see what trends were in force, and not just that, but for how long. Then I realized something important, there is a trend which thank God politicians have nothing to do with, because is dictated by nature, by law of life and this is where I will reduce my learning to, a capsule that can be digested; the important thing which I discovered after a lifetime.

I, as only one among 78 million Baby Boomers in the United States, am getting old and there is nothing, or no one can help it, no matter what Act politicians enact. With 57 years, the current estimated average life I could live is another 20 years and with each passing year I'm going to need more and more support for my health.

As a Baby Boomer, I have marked economic patterns for many years. We are the richest generation, the engine of prosperity; the one that has put our money into the economy and that for the first time in history set the pace in consumption: telephones, televisions, microwaves, cars, houses, etc. But now we need help in welfare and health, and new generations do not project a sufficient number of replacements in even the most industrialized countries, or the wealth necessary to provide us with the appropriate tax retreat by the government we deserve, probably we will have very little or nothing. We have been cruelly deceived after so many contributions for a lifetime, fool of us who believed them.

Having reached this conclusion, I needed to know what product or service would be able to work and under what system should be implemented.

This is where I found Network Marketing, reading these gurus: Robert Kiyosaki, Paul Zane Pilzer, Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet, Jim Rohn, Donald Trump, Paul Getty, etc. I had no doubt.

This trend is relatively new to marketing despite having its origins many years ago, now is when it is showing signs of imposing explosively in a global level, as we are getting used to new technologies that appear and place on top in record time.
It seems to come thanks to the arrangement of information in the form of organization, training and distribution of products and services across the board.

The visionary entrepreneurs who have the vision and take the risk of incorporating such tools in these processes, they realize that the answer to their need to get their products to the mass lies in taking advantage in one of each of these advantages.

The marketing networks also come with great force and from people from the bottom up, as they have been linked in some way to this philosophy, acting in their micro environment in promoting their particular responses of goods or services and grow from the depth of their network.

Companies that welcome these multilevel networks as a method of distribution engage people that although independent, are highly trained and more than enough, so necessary today. Personnel well-paid and highly motivated to get their answers spread. With these changes, which are in incremental acceleration thanks to the electronic-computer symbiosis and due to high obsolescence of new products, it is continually required to have a personnel which can be training both, continuous and remotely.

These people thus formed have become the ideal medium to promote the distribution, since they fully know the product and are precisely in the place and time needed. They have characteristics of loyalty to his company, thirst for knowledge, help and are left to be helped because they belong to an intrinsic mutual agreement of grow so that I can grow.

On the other hand, the great traditional distribution companies leave little room for generality of the people to be entrepreneurs, where the common feature is a staff with little training, motivation and poorly paid. The promotion, in this case, is given more for your ability to please your boss than by your meritocracy.

These companies provide little or no value to their products; they are usually born importers and where they work best is with commodities.

In network marketing is really where we all could make a fortune, is the magic of teamwork; it is to have your own business, no bosses, any set hours, no work with equal freedom. You work part-time, complementing with extra income your conventional job until you're ready to take the plunge. By then, you will have achieved results and can dedicate exclusively to this and grow more rapidly still.

This is the way that nature has chosen where the greatest effort made yields the best result, achieved under an environment totally free without any discrimination. If you are someone who believes that with discipline and consistency you can get things, I will tell you that with this system you can get it, only much larger than you thought possible.

And when a network marketing business hands you the new technologies, you belong to the best country in the world, the more free and transparent virtual one that resides on a computer with software designed for the new century, extraterritoriality allows us to reach other borders, we just must take advantage of the technology in communications that allows us to become closer to remote locations in the world and build our relationships and linking them and to those related to them at the same time and so on.

If you focus on this new target, you could become a Network Marketing Professional, not ever need to do equivalencies of degrees and do not need big investments, you will enjoy residual income that can be inherited by your children, grandchildren, great-etc. and would spend part of your time helping others, at the time of your convenience and, most importantly, the limits of growth and therefore income, only lay upon you.

These matters are already discussed in the most prestigious universities in the world. When you affiliate to a global marketing network, training is given to you and your loved ones anywhere in the world, without any other interest but to grow as fast and as much as possible. And to achieve fast network marketing, the secret is to go with a slow pace because we're always in a hurry but we must try to consolidate each small victory, making it count, transcending beyond us for generations to inherit and continue enriching our legacy. Surface work will not achieve results; here is where we find one of the most tangible examples of, better quality rather than quantity. In network marketing the main proceedings is in the duplication for sustained growth. Later I'll explain in sufficient detail.

So if we already have two overwhelming trends, what if we talk about the best product, we are looking to complete this trilogy.

We need relevant products, continuously updated and they should be for health, the latest technologies that have come such as nanotechnology and biotechnology should be present too. Vitamins and herbs are no longer as prominent as they used to, since the level of benefit that can be obtained using technologically advanced products is unmatched.

We need products that are patented to protect us from the competition, and no chemicals should be involved, because we do not know the effects they may have. The human body is too complex to fully understand all the consequences that can have all these artificial products. We need products that ultimately do what they say they do.

Incredible, such a product exists and better still, with a payment plan designed for the new century, by people from many years of experience in this field. It's one of the best paying in the industry and with unlimited growth.

With just three out of three ingredients, you are the only missing link, the whole system is there. No, not the pyramid you may have heard about, it's something perfectly legal. With 11 years in the market, an immaculate organization, never pay a check late and is available worldwide.

With this product which I have tested, I feel with better health, and I can probably extent my life even more, I know this because of what my body shows me since I have used it, what has helped me with the illnesses I had, and the countless testimonies I hear from other people day by day. This is pure new science, with an achievement to introduce a new classification called Transferceutical.

If you've read this far, chances are we can work together on this project of life, the first thing you should do is fill yourself up with all the information possible from these trends, network marketing, product characteristics, its founders, and how you will be paid; feel free to request any information you think you need and is not be available on our websites www.networkmarketing4. us or, it will be a pleasure to answer your questions, and as to those which we do not have, we can have access to get answers through sources within the company.

Now you just need the Know How, that's where we come in, your Team with continuous advice, provided to you until you feel that you are sufficiently developed. In our team we love to hear from you.
But we will walk together the entire route, but if you manage to get ahead, then we're the ones who follow in your footsteps. That would make us all very happy.
Our commitment is to follow the example this company gives with this opportunity and is to continue the never ending research, we will obtain more relevant information every day, our team meets several times weekly to discuss strategies and mechanisms to enrich our legacy to you, which is no other than your prosperity.
When I travel on a plane, I wish to the person next to me have a good trip, the best; those good intentions I'm sure will make mine excellent.

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